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5.1 Installation

Follow these steps to set up the Le Robot Library on your computer and unlock the full potential of your KikoBot C1. This guide ensures that everything is tailored for smooth integration with your robot.

Step 1: Install Miniconda

Miniconda is essential for managing Python environments. Let’s get it installed:

i. Create a directory for Miniconda:

mkdir -p ~/miniconda3

ii. Download the appropriate installer:


wget -O ~/miniconda3/


curl -o ~/miniconda3/

Mac (Intel):

curl -o ~/miniconda3/

iii. Run the installer:

 bash ~/miniconda3/ -b -u -p ~/miniconda3

iv. Clean up the installer:

 rm ~/miniconda3/

v. Initialize Miniconda:

~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash

Step 2: Refresh Your Shell

Restart your terminal to apply the changes. Alternatively, run the appropriate command based on your shell:


source ~/.bashrc

Mac (Bash Profile):

source ~/.bash_profile

Step 3: Set Up a New Conda Environment

To keep things organized, create a fresh environment for the Le Robot Library:

conda create -y -n lerobot python=3.10 && conda activate lerobot

Step 4: Clone the Le Robot Repository

Download the library directly from GitHub:

git clone 
cd lerobot

Step 5: Install Le Robot for KikoBot C1

Navigate to the library directory and install it with the required dependencies for KikoBot C1’s Waveshare motors:

cd lerobot && pip install -e ".[waveshare]"

Step 6: Additional Setup for Linux

If you’re using Linux and plan to record datasets, install the following extra dependencies:

Install ffmpeg:

conda install -y -c conda-forge ffmpeg

Update OpenCV:

pip uninstall -y opencv-python
conda install -y -c conda-forge "opencv>=4.10.0"

Your setup is now complete! With the Le Robot Library ready to go, your KikoBot C1 is equipped to take on advanced tasks, from imitation learning to reinforcement learning, making robotics development seamless and efficient.